
ibicity is a consultancy firm in urban economics, which has adopted a resolvedly operational approach, by supporting local collectives or developers in the implementation of complex urban projects. The firm has also a research-based approach in its projects, with a focus on new economic models of cities and the production of the urban fabric.

The founder

Isabelle Baraud-Serfaty set up ibicity in 2010 after having worked for 15 years in various public and private entities, including the Caisse des Dépôts and the Dutch developer ING Real Estate. In parallel, Isabelle Baraud-Serfaty has been teaching since 2003 at the Urban School of Sciences Po. She is a graduate of the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris and of the Cycle d'Urbanisme de Sciences Po.

Isabelle Baraud-Serfaty has been nominated, with two other nominees, to the "Grand Prix d'Urbanisme 2024" (Claire Schorter awarded).

Main publications or interventions

Here are some of our main publications in English.

Where does the white of cities go when the snow melts?

Mapmaking and the Challenge Posed by Google Maps

The new value of curbs

Articulo | January 2023

The Sidewalk, a New Strategic Asset

Futuribles | May-June 2020

Cities change the world (interview page 162)

Cahiers de l'Institut Paris Région | January 2020

New Ways of Sharing Public Space

Le Visiteur n°24 | Mars 2019

When digital technologies reveal the hidden value of urban assets

La Fabrique de la Cité (in "Innovation for financing urban regeneration and infrastructure", from page 32) | January 2018

La Défense, a dictionary

Economic model / Property Investors / Unibail / Volumes (division by) | Parenthèses - 2013